CBD products on the Mindbrakes website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailment. We recommend consulting with your physician or other licensed medical professional prior to using CBD. Mindbrakes assumes no responsibility for the improper use of these products.
Mindbrakes does not make any health claims about our products and recommend consulting with a qualified medical doctor prior to consuming our products or preparing a treatment plan for any and all diseases or ailments. It is especially important for those who are pregnant, nursing, chronically ill, elderly, on any medications or under the age of 18 prior to using.
The information on our website is intended to provide general information regarding our products and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. Mindbrakes shall not be held liable for the medical claims made by customer testimonials. The efficacy of these products and the testimonials made have not been evaluated by the FDA. When you purchase Mindbrakes products you assume all health risks.
WARNING: Always check with your healthcare provider prior to using CBD to ensure that it is not contraindicated with any other medications you are taking. Like any non-prescription or prescription drug, CBD may be harmful to your liver if you take too much. Ask your healthcare provider to monitor you while taking CBD. Currently, there is not adequate research on the safety of CBD; therefore, clinical evaluation and monitoring are necessary.
The dropper holds 1 ml of liquid. If you know how many milliliters are in a CBD tincture, you can use the formula below to determine how much CBD is in each dropper:
[Total CBD in Bottle] ÷ [Number of Milliliters in Bottle] = mgs of CBD in a Dropper
For example, let’s say you have a 30ml CBD tincture that contains 1000mg of CBD:
1000 ÷ 30ml = 33.33mg of CBD per dropper
If the dosage of CBD determined is 15 mg, and a single dropper of that 1000mg tincture contains 30mg, fill the dropper halfway at the 15ml mark.
Please note that this method is not 100% accurate, but it is important to measure so that you know how much to increase or decrease your dose.
Always start with a small dosage and gradually increase until you find the right dose for you.

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